when call function, error below raised, idea appreciated.
the error: dist, next = dijkstra(graph, sink, sources) line 111, in dijkstra s, q = list(sources[:]), range(1,n+1) typeerror: 'int' object has no attribute 'getitem'
the code:
def dijkstra(graph, sink, sources = none): n = len (graph.nodes ()) dist = {k+1:np.inf k in range(n)} next = {k+1:none k in range(n)} dist[sink] = 0.0 s = list(sources[:]) q = range(1,n+1) while len(q)>0: min = np.inf v in q: if (dist[v] < min): u=v min = dist[v] if min == np.inf: return dist, next s in s: if u == s: s.remove(u) if len(s)==0: return dist,next q.remove(u) in graph.predecessors_iter(u): v = alt = dist[u] + graph [v][u]["weight"] if alt < dist[v]: dist[v] = alt; next[v] = u return dist, next def mainksp(graph, sources, sink, k): """find k-shortest paths sources sink return value: ------------- as: dictionary s.t. as[s]=[k-shortest paths s sink s in sources] """ dist, next = dijkstra(graph, sink, sources) a0s = {s:get_path(s, sink, next) s in sources} return {s : yenksp(graph, s, sink, k, a0s[s]) s in sources} graphnodes = [h h in range (1, 24)] path = mainksp(network, graphnodes, 1, 3)
i python beginner , made afford figure out wrong s list, no success. dijkstra function called inside of function provided above.
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